- Galloway Glens Biosphere Experiences 2018-2020: The project was developed to encourage local businesses, individuals and groups to explore opportunities to promote experiential tourism within the Galloway Glens landscape partnership area. The project was led by Southern Uplands Partnership (SUP), working closely with the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere and the Galloway Glens Landscape Partnership. The aims were:
- For people to see how their skills and knowledge could provide a unique experience for visitors by immersing them in the history, culture, environment or art of the region.
- Encourage collaboration between businesses to begin to offer packages of activities, accommodation and food to create a more bespoke experience for guests.
- Lead to improvement in local economy due to increased numbers of visitors and potentially job or training opportunities for young people in our rural communities who may not have considered tourism as a career path.
- Click to read the final report – Galloway Glens Biosphere Experiences – Final report
- National Parks: SUP assisted the newly former Galloway National Park Association to run a consultation event in Castle Douglas, which was well attended and it is hoped further event will be held with local communities over the coming months.
- Eurorural: The EuroRural Tourism project was a partnership of seven countries working together to explore different approaches to the packaging of authentic rural experiences and accommodation to visitors. The project offered an opportunity to bring together local tourism businesses and accommodation providers in the south of Scotland to develop a Scottish rural cultural experience that can be shared with partners from across Europe. The project was awarded 75% funding from the EU and ran until 2015 to March 2017. Outcome: The Galloway Holiday did not get sufficient bookings to make it viable, but the operator is offering a similar package through the summer and an informal association between the European Partners is being established in the hope that the idea can be further encouraged. (2015-2017).
Eildon Leaderfoot National Scenic Area: SUP was been asked by Scottish Power Energy Network (SPEN) to help put a bid together for funding that might pay for the development of an enhancement strategy and project plan for the Eildon Leaderfoot National Scenic Area (NSA). The newly reopened railway allows visitors to arrive at the NSA boundary and potentially walk or cycle through it. The project was ultimately withdrawn from the VIEW initiative, to become part of the Tweed Landscape Partnership bid developed by Tweed Forum. (2015-2016). - Nordic Walking: At the request of the Creetown Initiative, SUP staff have undertaken work to scope out the potential of a Nordic Walking Initiative in Creetown. Local routes have been surveyed and proposals explored. Eight taster sessions were held for local people to try out the activity. (2015-2016).
- Element Power: At the request of Element Power SUP have supported a number of community meetings to consider the establishment of an “environmental project” fund linked to a windfarm proposal in Dumfries and Galloway. Sup ran a number of workshops creating community action plans that identified key issues and opportunities that the communities hoped to focus on. (2015-2016).