All the latest news in our December newsletter!

Welcome to our December newsletter featuring the latest Southern Uplands Partnership updates! We hope you are enjoying the wintery scenes of our beautiful Southern Uplands and are staying cosy and well. SUP December 2023 Newsletter

Notice of SUP Annual General Meeting 2023

NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING TO BE HELD ON FRIDAY 8 DECEMBER 2023 AT 10.30 AM  IN THE FAMOUS STAR HOTEL, 44 HIGH STREET, MOFFAT, DG10 9EF To register your interest in attending, please email and advise if you would like to attend (in person only). The Agenda, Minutes of last year’s AGM, SUP’s Audited Accounts […]

All the latest news in our September newsletter

Welcome to the latest Southern Uplands Partnership projects updates! The start of September certainly feels unseasonably summery so far – always nice to stock up on a bit of sunshine as the days noticeably shorten. In these pages, you can read the latest news from Southern Uplands Partnership’s projects and core team, including new staff […]

SUP Annual Report 2022-2023

The latest Southern Uplands Partnership annual report is now available. Read all about the projects and activities in this busy year for the charity, including… SUP Core Team Update – Project Highlights, Undoing the Silence of the Southern Uplands, Talla-Hartfell Wild Land Area, South of Scotland Golden Eagle project, Dumfriesshire East Community Benefit Group, South […]

All the latest news in our June newsletter

Welcome to the latest Southern Uplands Partnership projects updates! Suddenly we seem to have switched from spring to summer, with greenery and blossom all around and fledgling birds being fed by hardworking and hassled parents! We hope you’re enjoying the season wherever you are. In these pages, you can read the latest news from Southern […]

Newsletter September 2022

Welcome to the latest Southern Uplands Partnership project updates. Well, after a damp start to the summer and heatwaves over large swathes of the UK, things did eventually warm up a bit in our neck of the woods – for a few days at least. There’s a reason why our countryside tends to look green […]

Tickets LIVE for the 2022 Moffat Golden Eagle Festival 16-18 September!

Header image Eagle Festival

The Moffat Golden Eagle Festival returns for its second year between the 16th and 18th of September 2022. The full festival programme is now confirmed and tickets are available HERE It’s going to be a fantastic weekend with events for all ages so we look forward to welcoming you to Scotland’s first and only ‘Eagle […]