Vacancy | CABN Catalyst (Engagement) | Fixed Term, Freelance Role

CABN Catalyst (Engagement) Fixed Term, Freelance Role Engaged by the Southern Uplands Partnership as part of the delivery of ‘CABN Emerge’ Period of work: 10 February – 31 August 2025 15 hours/ 2 days per week, up to maximum of 58 days, worked flexibly Place of work: Home/ Office of Southern Uplands Partnership (Lindean Mill, […]

South of Scotland Golden Eagle Project flies the nest

The Southern Uplands Partnership has been pleased to host the pioneering South of Scotland Golden Eagle Project (SSGEP) since 2018. At the end of December, it will fly the nest, as it becomes RUN (Restoring Upland Nature SCIO) and begins the next phase of its exciting journey. As well as continuing SSGEP’s important work locally, […]

Vacancy | River Culture Animateur | Southern Uplands Partnership [Filled]

River Culture Animateur for the Upper Tweed  p/t 0.6 (21 hrs per week)  £30,000 (£18,000 pro rata)  This is an exciting opportunity to join the Connecting Threads project team. We are seeking an experienced and enthusiastic individual, with a background in cultural placemaking and/or participatory arts, to develop and deliver a programme of cultural activities […]

We are hiring! Vacancies: Development Manager (2 posts)- [Filled]

We are seeking two experienced Managers, with knowledge of current challenges and opportunities for rural communities and the environment, a passion for tackling the climate and biodiversity crises, and the ability to develop and deliver a portfolio of diverse projects in partnership with communities, land owners and managers, other NGOs and statutory agencies. This is […]

Vacancy | River Culture Curator | Southern Uplands Partnership [Filled]

River Culture Curator p/t 0.8 (30 hrs per week) £35,000 (£28,000 pro rata) This is an exciting opportunity for an experienced project co-ordinator / curator, with a background in culture and the arts, to oversee delivery of a varied and innovative cultural programme. Connecting Threads is the cultural strand of Destination Tweed, a multi-part landscape […]

Scottish Borders Green Summit


The Scottish Borders Climate Action team are pleased to announce the Scottish Borders Green Summit happening on Thursday 14th March between 10am – 3pm at Tweed Horizons, Newton St Boswells. For more info and to book your place scan the QR code or click

All the latest news in our December newsletter!

Welcome to our December newsletter featuring the latest Southern Uplands Partnership updates! We hope you are enjoying the wintery scenes of our beautiful Southern Uplands and are staying cosy and well. SUP December 2023 Newsletter

Notice of SUP Annual General Meeting 2023

NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING TO BE HELD ON FRIDAY 8 DECEMBER 2023 AT 10.30 AM  IN THE FAMOUS STAR HOTEL, 44 HIGH STREET, MOFFAT, DG10 9EF To register your interest in attending, please email and advise if you would like to attend (in person only). The Agenda, Minutes of last year’s AGM, SUP’s Audited Accounts […]