SUP Annual Report, Accounts and AGM 2013 – June

The AGM of the Partnership will take place at the: Gordon Arms Hotel in the Yarrow Valley at 2pm on the 4th July 2013. The Draft Report and Accounts for the year to March 2013 are available here. The Agenda and the draft minute from last year is here. Proxy forms are available here. We are very pleased […]

SUP Newsletter – May 2013

The ongoing economic situation is resulting in many Third Sector Organisations increasingly feeling the pinch due to funding cuts and increased competition when going for grant and Trust funding. This is particularly true for covering the core costs of organisations such as SUP to enable projects and opportunities to be developed that we hope will […]

SUP Newsletter – Spring 2013

You will doubtless be all too familiar with the harsh financial climate facing all not-for-profit organisations like SUP just now. Not only have the public purse-strings tightened sharply but many charitable donors have seen their income fall steeply just as more and more organisations are seeking their support. With the Olympics behind us the prospects on […]

SUP Newsletter – Winter 2012

Welcome to this, our latest newsletter.  We hope it finds you safe after the rain’s best efforts as well as prepared and relaxed ahead of the season’s festivities (which will be more than the author of this newsletter is!). We have good news in being able to announce successful bids to Scottish Natural Heritage and […]

SUP Newsletter – Summer 2012

Hello again and welcome to our Summer 2012 newsletter.  Not much of a Summer so far, but fingers crossed that the jet-stream sorts itself out and that August defies records in a somewhat drier way. As ever, we’ve been working on a range of projects and activities that deliver against our stated role to keep […]

SUP Newsletter – May 2012

It’s great to see spring bringing it’s splash of colour and awakening vibrancy to the countryside, it’d be even better if it was a bit warmer though!  Leaves and plants seem to have been edging their way our for weeks, restraining themselves and holding out for a bit more sun no doubt.  Lambs have less […]

SUP Newsletter – Spring 2012

Welcome to our Spring 2012 Newsletter and phew, what a start to the season it’s been, eh?  The fantastic weather seems to have condensed a month’s worth of spring awakenings into a week!  A walk through the excellent RSPB Wood of Cree near Newton Stewart over the week-end did show the potential downside though.  Stream […]

SUP Newsletter – Winter 2011/12

A thankfully mild, though awfully wet, winter so far sees us busy keeping our various ‘plates spinning’ (I have to say I’m glad to no longer be in farming, waiting for crisp, frosty days to get slurry on the fields without poaching the land; there must be some worried farmers with slurry tanks at bursting […]

SUP Newsletter – Summer 2011

We hope this newsletter finds you well as what has been a decent, if not vintage summer slowly begins to show signs of autumn. Our various works continue.  We have projects coming to an end and new ones starting.  Our AGM saw long standing members moving on and new ones joining us in our on-going […]

SUP Newsletter – Spring 2011

Spring has sprung and here at SUP we’re relishing the better weather and its energising effect. You’ll see below that we’ve been busy and have some great news regarding the Galloway and South Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere.  We’re keeping busy managing various projects, developing new ones and keeping abreast of matters that influence the economic and […]