- Nature-based tourism: An audit of NBT resource of S Lanarks and S and E Ayrshire and to examine 5 potential working ‘clusters’ (one in each LA area) extended to look at an additional 5 clusters. Very positive workshop took place in Ayrshire on May 24th. (Completed May 2005).
- RDR consultation: Response drafted on behalf of D&G Leader+ LAG. (Completed May 2005).
- Mountain Hares: Funders: SNH, SLC and SBC. Study into the current status of the species in the S Uplands completed May (2005).
- The Southern Uplands Book and Website: Funding: Local Authorities, SNH, Forward Scotland and Scottish Power. Booklet has been completed and is now being circulated.
- Equestrian Tourism: Funders: BHSS, SBTB, D>B, VisitScotland; SLC, SED&G and SBC. Market research contract completed and seminar took place in November 2004 (chaired by Ian Stark) – Riders Welcome scheme was launched at the same event.
- Woodfuel: Funder: Reforesting Scotland. Very successful trip to Keilder Village heating scheme on the 22nd September and Community Benefit event held at Tweed Horizons in November 2004.
- Bracken: A 2 day bracken management seminar took place in Northumberland in July (13th and 14th ) organised by the International Bracken Group. The SUP was promoted at this event.
- CAP Reform seminars: On behalf of SEERAD and WWFN. These took place Nov/Dec 2003.
- SUP Project Plan: produced May 1998 and Business Plan – Produced 2002 now being reviewed and extended to 2006.
- Website: now fully functioning (t).
- Jobs study: Funder: SNH, RSPB, FC, LECs, SBC, D&GC. Results published 2001.
- Food Seminars: held one in each of Castle Douglas, Dumfries and Carfraemill.
- Environmental Education: Lecture at Bowhill. (Buccleuch Estates) Text published 2000.
- Integrated Rural Development Conference: Held October 2001.
- Foot and Mouth ‘Lessons Learnt’: Funder: D&GC, Buccleuch, SBC. Seminar held in Dumfries Sept 2002.
- Green labelling: Funder: LECs. Report finalised and on website.
- Environment and Tourism Recovery Grant Scheme: Funder: SNH, SED&G, SEB, SBC, D&GC. FWAG commissioned.
- Bracken Management booklet: Funder: SBC, D&GC, SEPA ESW, WSW, SNH, SERAD, MLURI. ‘Southern Uplands Partnership (2001) Bracken Control: A guide to best practice’ published April 2001. Reprinted February 2003 thanks to support from SNH.
- South Scotland Environmental Resource Centre: Funder: SBC, D&GC, SNH, SEPA, RSPB. There are ongoing developments in both Borders and D&G where separate ERC projects are being developed.