SUP Newsletter – Summer 2011

We hope this newsletter finds you well as what has been a decent, if not vintage summer slowly begins to show signs of autumn. Our various works continue.  We have projects coming to an end and new ones starting.  Our AGM saw long standing members moving on and new ones joining us in our on-going […]

SUP Newsletter – Spring 2011

Spring has sprung and here at SUP we’re relishing the better weather and its energising effect. You’ll see below that we’ve been busy and have some great news regarding the Galloway and South Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere.  We’re keeping busy managing various projects, developing new ones and keeping abreast of matters that influence the economic and […]

SUP Newsletter – Winter 2010/11

Life here at SUP has been hectic these past months and looks set to remain so for the foreseeable future. We recently completed the LEADER-funded Scottish Borders Walking Festival 2009 -2010 and we continue to manage and deliver other projects including the Upland Habitat and Black Grouse Restoration, Red Squirrels in South Scotland and the […]

SUP Newsletter Summer 2010

We are delighted to announce that Dr Joan Mitchell has agreed to take over from Sir Michael Strang Steel as Partnership Convenor. Joan has been involved with the Partnership for several years and has a wealth of experience of rural development in Dumfries & Galloway. We are also pleased that Ann Fraser (SRPBA) and Mike […]

Spring 2010 newsletter

Welcome to the Spring Newsletter from the Southern Uplands Partnership. After a very cold few weeks, things are looking up with lighter mornings and the snowdrops out. The SUP has been very busy recently with lots of projects moving forward and renewed support from a number of partners. 2010 looks like being a positive year! […]

Autumn / Winter Newsletter 2009

Welcome to the Southern Uplands Partnership Autumn/Winter Newsletter.  In spite of Christmas decorations appearing in the shops already we hope this is arriving well before the festive rush. Over the last few weeks we have recruited three new team members at the Partnership and in this newsletter we will focus on them and the projects […]

Bumper Summer Newsletter

We hope you have been having a great summer and had time to go to some of the events and activities being held across the Southern Uplands. You can still be part of the Scottish Borders Walking Festival, ‘In the Footsteps of the Reivers’ events run from 5th – 13th September. There are walks to suit […]

May Newsletter – 2009

Welcome to our summer e-news round up, and many thanks to all those who have contributed to it. If you haven’t visited the SUP website recently, please do, it has had a complete make-over and is now easier to navigate. You will also find a brief project update section on the site to make it […]

January 2009 Newsletter

In this issue… Communities on the Edge Conference Making more of Walking Festivals Nature based tourism in Dumfries & Galloway Eco Office – good news! Gregor Stewart, arrives at Lindean Seeking Master Composters Red Squirrel website relaunched Challenge the CCF to fund your project! The Future Farmer Award 2009 opens for entries Development Opportunities in […]

Autumn 2008 Newsletter

Welcome to SUPs autumn newsletter – a roundup of news items, events and activities across the Southern Uplands. Read all about the exciting developments at Langholm Producers Market. Langholm Producers celebrate first anniversary Langholm Producers Market recently celebrated its 1st Anniversary. With an average of 25 stalls per month Langholm has the largest Producers Market […]